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LM: Warm peace breezes from Sri Lanka and New Year Wishes...
From: lightmillennium@lightmillennium.org
Date: Tue, December 31, 2002 6:59 am

Warm peace breezes from Sri Lanka and New Year Wishes...


(Colombo - December 31, 2002) - Sir Arthur C. Clarke, legendary scientific writer, fictioning his books by imagining thousands and millions years ahead of our time along with the Sri Lankan legends and myths; the urge to meet him - to see the country he lives in since 1956, brought me to Sri Lanka after a series of flights consisting of four transfers. 

Sir Arthur C. CLARKE is in his office in Colombo.
Photo: Bircan Unver - Dec. 20, 2002

I left New York in the morning on December 8th and set foot on Sri Lanka early in the morning on December 11th. I looked back in time and thought about the 6 months long boat trips to the other end of the world and this thought made me think that a trip for four days was nothing at all!

I have visited Sir Clarke twice. He himself is very gentle, warm, and friendly. He told me you can visit whenever you like as long as you give a call in the morning. Because he remains on a wheel chair, he accepts visitors for a short time.

During first visit: Sir Clarke and Bircan Unver
Photo: Rohan De Silva - Dec. 20, 2002

At the time of my arrival in Sri Lanka, I have noticed that the 20 years of civil war with Tamils has ended and peace along with the winds of change has taken its place as opposed to the direction the world is going these days. Although people talking this and that about Sri Lanka attempted to scare me off.

 "Peace and Harmony" signs are posted at the center of Colombo. I am at the witnessing point of the investment in and the application of the invitation for peace to unite both sides with support by governmental politics. A good example to that could be the headlines on Daily News press in Sri Lanka that implied Tamils were aloud to have their own FM radio station. A special event to unite and to protect the culture along with the development and ownership of Sri Lanka, the very "First National Sri Lanka Dance Festival" that was also participation with Pakistan, India and Nepal; a number of 2000 or more dancers from 52 different places came together and I watched this fabulous performance for three nights in a row, respectively.     

On the other hand, it is pronounced on BBC broadcast news that a possible war with Iraq and North Korea might take place; although with the rising rhythm of war tendencies, Sri Lanka along with its natural beauty and destitution is able to express official and public peaceful tendencies. This was another wind of change but with the new hope in the New Year...

I think, therefore all the people with a common sense along with a serious partnership to face the intelligent strategies, when they are able to do that, all of the people of the weapon industry are going to have to change their direction to an environment such as producing weapons will not be a profitable choice; only then they will transfer those sources to the common issues of the earth... 

The opportunity of future is at our grasp,  only if we can own it in time. . .

With a warm breeze from the Sri Lankan tropical climate, I am wishing you a happy and peaceful new year.

Bircan Unver

Note: After visited Sir Clarke as second time in the morning of December 31, 2002, late afternoon of the same day, I sent out above message in Turkish by e-mail to around 500 hundred friends of The Light Millennium from Senkada's Internet Center in Colombo 4. BU

Translated by Babur Albayrak from Turkish

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Subject: LM: Sri Lanka'dan sicak baris ruzgarlari ve yeni yil dilekleri...
From: lightmillennium@lightmillennium.org
Date:Tue, December 31, 2002 6:59 am



Bilimci ve efsanevi yazar Sir Arthur C. Clarke'in binyil ve milyon yil  sonralarini dusleyerek Sri Lanka'nin efsane ve mitlerini gelecekle kurguladigi olaganustu kitaplarinin etkisiyle; 1956 yilindan beri yasadigi ulkeyi gorme - tanima meraki, dort gunluk suren transferleri iceren bir ucak yolculuguyla, beni Sri Lanka'ya getirdi.

New York'tan 8 Aralik sabahi ayrildim ve 11 Aralik sabahi Sri Lanka'ya ayak bastim. Gecmisteki 6 aylik gemi yolculuklarini dusununce, tam dunyanin bir ucundan oteki ucuna; dort gunluk bir yolculuk da bir sey mi dedirtecek nitelikte!

Sir Clarke'i iki kez ziyaret ettim. Kendisi cok zarif, sicak ve icten.  Ne zaman istersen, sabahi telefon ederek, ziyaret edebilirsin, dedi. Ancak tekerlikli sandalyeye bagimliligi nedeniyle, ziyaretleri cok kisa sureligine kabul ediyor.

Sri Lanka'ya gelisimle birlikte, dunyanin gidisinin tam tersine; burada son yirmi yildir suren Tamil'lerle ic savasin durdugu ve baris ruzgarlari esen bir ulkeyle karsilastim. Oysa gelmeden once ne kadar cok gozumu korkutmaya calismislardi...

Colombo'nun merkezinde; "Baris ve Uyum" tabelalari asili. Hukumet politikalariyla desteklenen iki tarafi birlestirici bir baris ortamina davet, yatirimin ve ilk uygulamalarim tanikligindayim... Ornegin; hukumet, Tamillere kendi FM radyo istasyonlarini kurma iznini verdigi haberi, 29 Aralik gunu burada yayinlanan Daily News'un bas haberi idi. Ayrica, ilk defa Sri Lanka'yi birlestirmek, kulturunu korumak, sahip cikmak ve gelistirmek uzere duzenlenen, Tamillerle birlikte, Pakistan, Hindistan ve Nepal ile birlikte; 52 farkli yorenin ve 2000'den fazla danscinin katildigi, "Birinci Ulusal Sri Lanka Dans Festivali"nin gorkemli performanslarini ardi ardina uc aksam izledim.

Diger taraftan BBC'de surekli yayinlanan, Irak'la birlikte devreye giren Kuzey Kore'ye ileride olasi saldirilarin telaffuz edilmesi; savasin hizlandirilan ve cogaltilan ritmine karsilik Sri Lanka'dan, tum yoksullukla ic ice gecen olaganustu dogal guzelligiyle, 'resmi ve toplumsal' olarak baris ruzgarlarinin estirilmesi, ayni zamanda yeni yil adina bir umut ruzgari da...

Dusunuyorum ki, eger tum insanlik ortak bir bilincle, yeryuzunun her kosesindeki savaslara, ciddi bir isbirligi ve akilli stratejilerle karsi cikabilse ve cikabildiginde; yeryuzundeki her turlu silah ureticileri, silah uretmenin karli olmadigi bir ortama yonelmek zorunda kaldiklarinda,  kaynaklarini; yeryuzunun ortak sorunlarina tranfer etmek zorunda kalacaklar...

Gelecek bizlerin elinde eger zamaninda sahip cikabilirsek...

Sri Lanka'nin tropical ikliminden sicak esintilerle birlikte baris ve mutluluk dilekleriyle yeni yilinizi kutluyorum.

Bircan Unver

Colombo - 31 Aralik 2002

* We have dedicated this issue
to Sir Arthur C. Clarke for his 85th Birthday...

* ARTHUR C. CLARKE: Links the ancient with the futuristic,
and shows how they might be compatible...

Article and Illustrations by Julie MARDINations byJulie MARDIN

This issue is dedicated to the legendary author and scientist Sir ARTHUR C. CLARKE for his 85th Birthday...


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10th Issue. New Year- 2003, New York.
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