Letter of the Summer-06, #18th
LM-Kids Corner -
Rumi & Clarke Inspirational Writing
Awards Project -to
Nothing will be removed!

by Bircan UNVER
---------------------------- Original Message ---------
Subject: two short essays from Irem Lara Unal
Date: Sat, June 17, 2006 6:58 pm
To: "bircanunver@lightmillennium.org"
"Dear Bircan,
Please find attached a short essay about an environmentally
friendly school that I dreamt of. Another
short essay I included is about the DARE
Program. Please let me know what you think
about them.
Two of my cousins are writing papers, stories, etc., that they
will send them to me. A lot of my friends
promised to write and send their essays
to me as well. I will try to send the
papers to you before the 18th issue goes
out. I, myself am writing and I want to
get all "kidz corner" essays
in the coming issues.
I will encourage more people to write everywhere I go. I love
being the kids rep. for L.M.
Thank you
Unal (I am going to try and turn "kids
corner" into a Lightmillennium legacy.)"
* * * *
Dear Friends,
Irem's above e-mail from North Carolina has touched me very much.
Therefore, I'd like to share with all
of you my feelings of great morale and
energy, that what we have been trying
to do is WORTH continuing, regardless
of life's conditions and difficulties!
THANKS IREM, you have empowered the LM, and have given us a real
new dimension that is also part of the essence originally within the
LM's Mission and Vision. Without KIDS
& YOUTH's participation, WE, as humanity,
as the global family, won't be able to
make any progress!
I greatly appreciate Emin Pamucak's contributions and advice to
the LM.
As most of us are aware, ideas do not work by themselves. I have
much experience in having a huge cliff
between "ideas" and their actual "realizations"...
Still, I am more optimistic than ever because Irem has joined us
and is willing to make a legacy through the LM... To me, this is also
proof that dreams/ideas can turn into a reality in time, if you have
worked hard enough for it!
WE, or anyone else, or ALL of us, cannot build a better world only
by being selfish, working only for one's
ego and self-interest, and then presenting
all those ideas and practices to others
as "not mainly for one's ego or interest"
but for others' benefits or interests!!!
However, WE COULD RISE TO ACTION and make those dreams/ideas real...
Of course, the definition of WE is not limited within the LM, or
who we know or connected to. Rather, it
really refers to everyone from 5 to
100 years old, from every social and
cultural level/background of life/culture/country,
from every corner of the world.
It refers to those who are willing to
share his/her interest areas, dreams,
and expertise with a globally seeded community,
as well as willing to establish volunteer
partnerships and a new common ground where
we can invest more into creativity, love,
arts, and caring for our environment as
the world, as a whole, as one big family...
Below are lines from the homepage of the January 2000 issue:
Irem has inspired me greatly... Thank you very much IREM... Please
read Irem's two essays in relation to
the dedication issue, "Environmental
Concerns," which I am certain that you will be inspired by too!
I also thank Marianne A. Kinzer
who suggested "environment"
as a dedication issue, and has contributed
a very positive and optimistic article
which could be a model for addressing
environmental problems.
Please feel free to send your suggestions/ideas for the Fall-2006,
#19 issue's dedication theme via e-mail
to> contact@lightmillennium.org
For this issue's quote, I have selected
lines from Harvey Tordoff's essay, "Ecological
Footprints", and I thank
Harvey for his contribution to the dedication
* * * * *
Light Millennium held its 2nd
Board of Directors and Annual Meeting
on June 6, 2006 at the City University,
Graduate Center in New York City.
The new positions for
this term on the Board of Directors
are as follows:
President: Bircan
Vice President: Dr. Samuel Paley
General Secretary:
Figen Bingul
Treasurer: Erhan Berber will be nominated
thru e-mail
Business Planner: Burak Alpaslan
Board Members: Edward Foster, Prof.,
Stevens Institute of Technlogy, and Akif
Kirecci, Asst. Prof., Stevens Institute
of Technology
Newly formed Advisory Board (in alphabetic
Prof. Sultan Catto,
CUNY-Graduate Center
Serpil Guran, PhD, Research Scientist,
New Jersey DEP (Department of Environmental
Prof. Hayrettin Kilic, Green Tank
for the Trunch Foundation
Stephen Kinzer, Former NY Times Foreign
Correspontent & Lecturer in Journalism
at Northwestern University.
LM-Kids Corner Representative:
Irem Lara Unal, North Carolina
LM-Teen Representative:
Burcu Yilmaz, North Carolina
LM-Youth Representative:
Jeanene Mitchell, Student, Columbia
University, NY
Ozan Cakmak, Student, Middle Eastern
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
On Overthrow: A Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq - An Interview
with Stephen Kinzer: Currently, I am working on editing this piece,
and planning to schedule its airing at
the end of July 2006.
LMTV-Poetry Project - Poets on two continents: From Hudson
to the Bosphorus.
Turkish poems in English. QPTV Studio
is scheduled for Friday, June 30, 2006.
Edward Foster
will be the host, and I will be the executive
producer of this two-part of 28 minutes
of studio program.
LMTV- I also video-recorded a video interview
project titled "UN-NGO Profile:
Michaela WALSH." The interview
was made by Dr. Judy Kuriansky
(DPI associated representative), and I
plan to complete its editing and to air
it at the end of August.
We have presented the first interview of the
UN NGO Profiles, Michaela WALSH,
interviewed by Dr. Judy Kuriansky in the
Summer-2006 issue of the Light Millennium
web site, and planning to continue this
series with Dr. Judy.
Light Millennium has registered to participate
for the Department of Public Information
of the United Nations' 59th
NGO Conference from September 6 to 8 at
the United Nations:
Participants will be:
Bircan Unver
Figen Bingul
Prof. Hayrettin Kilic
Jeanene Mitchell (Youth)
Ozan Cakmak (Youth)
* * * * *
& CLARKE: Inspirational Writing Awards
by Mevlana Celaleddin RUMI
Designed by: Pelin BALI |
Arthur C. CLARKE, Colombo, July
5, 2006
Photo by: Rohan De SILVA |
Light Millennium has been planning to launch a writing project
since its February
4, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting.
The project is entitled RUMI
& CLARKE: Inspirational Writing Awards
Project. We needed to get of Sir
Arthur C. CLARKE's permission for
His name to be used, and this was granted
in May 2006. The organization has planning
to promote and launch this project in
conjunction with the Fall-06 issue.
An Introduction of the project
(as work in progress)
Two Universal Man: Rumi & Clarke
* * * **
Nothing will be removed as long as the
Web site and the organization exist...
POLICY and our practices since
the Introductory Issue, we have received
a few (although rare) requests
to remove a previously published story
or poem... We have clearly stated in our
Publishing Policy, which is available
on the site, and have promoted as much
as we can. In particular the first contributor
had been asked to read the Publishing
Policy, and submit to us accordingly.
Removing any piece which is already on
the Light Millennium's web site is disrespectful
to what we have been trying very hard
to achieve over 6 years, as well as disrespectful
to our own works and time invested. In
addition to the organization's Publishing
Policy, Mission and Vision, we cannot
afford going backwards since all our works
and efforts have been purely volunteer
works.. This is a volunteer partnership
on that very piece once it has been posted
on the web... We do our best to promote
all the contents globally and we do expect
respect for our works, Publishing Policy
and Vision.. For these very reasons, we
would like to underline once more that
everything published on the LM's web site
will be on the archive; nothing will
be removed as long as the Web site and
the organization exist. (This is also part of the organization's vision in
order to create an archive of our time!)
Furthermore, after
a piece has been published on the organization
web site/s, and its author/contributor
or related institution or organization
has been informed of the publishing (this
might be a group e-mail or announcement
by the Light Millennium), for the first 2-4 weeks or maximum of 3 months following the
piece’s very first appearance on
the WEB, changes or corrections by its
author or related institutions may be
requested, though the document cannot
be removed.
Each potential participant MUST agree
with the Publishing Policy of the organization in order to submit any ideas/visuals to the
Light Millennium organization.
However, after three
months of each piece's e-publication on
the Light Millennium's web site/s (or
we cannot guarantee any changes or corrections.
We have been a 100% volunteer organization,
and each idea/visual as well as all production
works/maintenance expenses of the e-publications,
events and TV programs have been donations
to the organization since 1999.
For this reason, please consider that
we cannot expend effort to work backwards! Consequently, please be aware of that after three months, there
are no
changes or corrections. Hence, it is your responsibility to inform us of any corrections
or changes that you may require within
three months.
Lastly, if you are considering to re-submit
your work to any other web sites or publishers,
or might want to remove it after its publishing
on the Light Millennium website, then
Under all circumstances, please remember
that LM always WELCOMES new submissions
and ideas, as long as the author is in
accordance with the organization's Publishing
Policy. This is very essential
for us because working towards the future
has been our engine and source of energy
to continue our programming and activities
since the organization's inception.
Overall, this is a volunteer partnership
based on each submitted work, which is,
at the same time, a joint investment for
the future as well as supporting the organization's
vision. For this very reason, we do expect
your understanding and tolerance of the
Publishing Policy for a long lasting commitment...
Thank You.
* * * * *
Light Millennium's
Virtual Home, or as it was defined in
the very first January 2000 issue, "Galaxy,"
will be more hopeful and borderless with
the Kids Representative, Irem, Teen Representative,
Burcu Bozkurt, and also new two Youth
Representatives, Jeanene Mitchell and
Ozan Cakmak...
Stay tuned.. We
will have more good news...
With peace, love
and light,
Bircan Unver
The Light Millennium, Inc.
A Charitable - Public Benefit Organization
- Updated on July 2, 2006, New York
1: All manuscripts submitted
become the property of the Light
Millennium, Inc. Contributers
are solely responsible for the
content of their own works.
Once ideas/manuscripts have been
submitted and have appeared on
the organization's web site/s,
these ideas/manuscripts CANNOT
BE REMOVED from the organization's
Web site/s AT ANY TIME. The organization
has aimed to create an "archive
of our time". From the inception
of the Light Millennium until
the present, all submitted ideas
and written works have been presented
on the Web, including the Introductory
Issue. These are all available
from the organization's Web ARCHIVE.
(Please also read the "Letter
of the Summer-2006 Issue")