"Building Peace: Reconciliation through the Power of Education, the Sciences, Culture and Communication."
Presented by UNESCO at the United Nations, New York on March 11, 2011.
Report by:
Hümeyra KOÇAK
Photos by:
Bircan ÜNVER & Hümeyra KOÇAK
"What does reconciliation mean today?"
"What does reconciliation mean today? How can we strengthen it between states and within societies?
These are times of change and paradox. Humanity is moving around more than ever before -even as new barriers to movement are arising. The number of inter-state wars is decreasing, while internal conflicts are on the rise. People are more connected than ever, but new inequalities are emerging. All of this is happening at a moment when rising food and oil prices are compounding the impact of global economic crises.
We must build also a stronger link between education and peace building UNESCO’s 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring Report tells the alarming story of the impact of conflict on education. This is an immediate human rights crisis and a long term development disaster. The stakes for reconciliation are high. Education frames identities and shapes opportunities. It is the best way to break cycles of violence and to set communities on the path to peace. Education lies on the frontline of conflict; it must move to the forefront of building peace.
Reconciliation is one of the great challenges of the early 21st century. We must work against forces that fragment human society and strengthen the values and aspirations that are common to all. No state and no people can afford to retreat into fear. Cultures of exclusion cannot be allowed to arise. "
-- Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the meeting of the High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures - New York, 11 March 2011. |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO presented a High Panel On Peace And Dialogue Among Cultures back to back with a unique FORUM as an open to public, and took place at the United Nations in New York on March 11, 2011, which entitled “Building Peace: Reconciliation through the Power of Education, the Sciences, Culture and Communication” and also marked the closing of the 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures and the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. The High Panel and interactive Forum moderated by Femi Oke, television presenter and journalist.
The High Panel and Forum sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations. The program structured in two as High Level statements and interactive Forum. The formal session of the High Panel was opened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon’s statement and welcoming message from Ms Irina Bokova Director-General of UNESCO. In her opening remark, she focused on how globalization has made our world more interconnected but also brought new challenges.
Globalization is bringing millions of people around the world together. People are connected than ever through migration, media, trade and Internet. But our world is beset by prejudice, hatred, rising crisis, and other challenges. Reconciliation matters in this context and UNESCO’s role lies here. The UNESCO was created 65 years ago to help build lasting and sustainable peace through cooperation in education, science, culture, communication and information. This is why UNESCO was asked to lead the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010) and the 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations and
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO during the High Panel
at the United Nations on March 11, 2011.
The importance of education was common points of the participants at the conference. Educating youth will be the key to success to the future. It is crucial that everybody externally work with community to spread and start with education. Education removes misconception, and cooperate civilization way. Also establishing a sustainable dialogue between peoples and cultures played a great role. Power of dialog is discussed, if listen each other, respect and understand than change will begin. It’s mentioned that we also need leaders to listen and now it’s time to learn from past and take matters in our hands and start make changing. This way peace can be achieved by understanding, peace is everybody’s responsibility, and people are willing to take that. The cooperation and partnership to change the world. interconnection, solidarity shared responsibilities for dialogue is possible. Global match maker results in partnership UNESCO ‘s link to local government is recommended.
Exchange and understanding the values of culture and dialogues also will help for building peace to learn and live together. This can be done with tolerance, mutual respect, understanding the ties between nations and cultures at the global level. Respect, dialogue among civilizations we have to identify common values, our differences how can we live peacefully with them. Dialogue must be ongoing exercise cultural dialogue will lead to peace, sitting together, talking to listening to each other. Also, the role of religion contributed people around the world is discussed.
Forest Whitaker (USA), Forest Whitaker (USA), Oscar Winning Artist, Film Director and Producer. |
Ivonne A-Baki (Ecuador), Artist, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, former President of the Andean Parliament (2007) and former Minister of Foreign Trade of Ecuador (2003-2005). |
Esther Coopersmith (USA), United Nations Peace Prize Laureate and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue. |
Forest Whitaker’s (USA), Oscar Winning Artist, Film Director and Producer, short film had shown how hunted girl child soldier never went to school but to camp, and how education helped other child. After documentary child soldier, poverty, child protection and care brought to panel’s attention questioned 500000 to 1.5 million children suffering exploitation, neglect, discrimination fear to report. Madame Bokova said children can report all forms of abuse facing, Women abducted and killed with hatred, mistrust, discrimination women of children should stop and change begin with tolerance culture of peace.
Also reconciliation‘s multiple levels discussed, and suggested that “reconciliation” requires four elements: Truce; Truth; Forgiveness and Justice., and how true reconciliation compassion comes within find peace inside and can’t manifest without it. Empathy, collaboration and connecting in a deeper way like in Buddhist tradition may be the way to find peace it’s said.
Besides youth necessity, talk time to build solidarity, and establish rules open minded democratic way. Bridge cultures, expand all societies and reconciliation diversity richness not liability.
Ivonne A-Baki (Ecuador), Artist, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador , who lived in Lebanon and from Ecuador shared her story how she was raised to hate Peruvian. Two country with same religion , same culture never understood each other.
But one day on exchange basis, 5 Peruvian 5 Ecuadorian change place and at the end finally came to realization and found the solutions. That was the time to ask what can we do to change.. Peaceful unique agreement signed between two countries, now they are best friends. This was an example thought for Jerusalem Palestine and Israel even once President Clinton told her to share her story as an example. Sitting around round table no nobody spoke, but when they were put in one room they talked to each other and saw how similar their aim and hopes are.
Esther Coopersmith (USA), United Nations Peace Prize Laureate and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue, also gave example of program has been effective to bring age of 13-18 young people from Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus, Turkey, Pakistan. They lived together and stayed touched to each other later on. She said, how young people do not know that life is good and lucky to be living by saying “HOPE, DARN GOOD WORLD.”
Also discussed that religion is not main conflict and misused to stir up conflict. Suggested that dialogue to listen to understand, respect, identify common values by God created, respect for sacred common values among cultures . Make a culture of dialog no confrontation, knowledge is easier to make dialog will lead culture of peace and reconciliation. Peace begins at home & school. Education is essential forge attitudes for future. This includes revision of content of textbooks and retraining teachers with new methodology for creative manifestation.
Also interreligious dialogue is essential but religion is often misused. Education is said, key but not alone do the justice. This will include education of women, quantification of education (science on higher privilege math), system change values, value based education to be privileged. The positive roles of women seen everywhere and in all walks of life. Therefore, it’s suggested the involvement of women in more decision making positions the world will be much peaceful.
His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud (Saudi Arabia),
his country sponsored of the conference.
the High Panel and interactive Forum. |
High Panel of the "Building Peace: Reconciliation through the Power of Education, the Sciences, Culture and Communication." Presented by UNESCO at the United Nations, New York on March 11, 2011. |
His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud (Saudi Arabia), Chairman, Board of Directors, King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, stated “we muslims took the issue, and understand each other interreligious, cultural dialog”. He referred the November 2008 General Assembly resolution that was agreed on that the UN is willing to host continuing programs for dialogues in between various religious and cultures, in particular, in between for fighting groups. He asserted the role of religion that contributes to peoples around the world as preach, inclination, convince, convert rather free exchange of ideas. Importance of promoting the values of education, culture, science and an interest in the roles of youth and women in societies, and also the importance of disseminating cultures of peace, tolerance, and the renunciation of violence as a means of avoiding conflict and of combating racism, extremism and terrorism also stated by Prince Faisal Al Saud during his address. In his closing Prince Faisal Al Saud expressed his wish to be realized similar programs in the near future.
Kjell Magne Bondevik (Norway), Founder and President of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights; former Prime Minister of Norway. |
Meghann Aurea Villanueve, Director of the Peace and Human Rights programme of the Fundacio Catalunya Voluntaria. |
Omer Zülfu Livaneli (Turkey), Writer, musician, Film Director,UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and Former Member of Parliament. |
Omer Zülfu Livaneli (Turkey), Writer, musician, Film Director, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and Former Member of Parliament, talked about importance of culture and arts to bring people together. His humble artist perspective view solidarity, brotherhood should be normal condition all human beings.” I see only human being no race” we all love and familiar to each other he said. Turks and Greeks brought up hatred in both countries. He and Greek colleague Miki Theodorakis together established an organization called “The Greek–Turkish Friendship Society.” They both made concert in both countries, Turks and Greeks sat together and sing together. This goes for Armenian as well he said. Artistic approach is important to bring people singing together, laughing and sharing stories. There it comes role of artist for peace building. He concluded his statement with ATATURK’s quote the great founder of the Republic of Turkey, “THERE IS ONLY ONE CIVILIZATION, THERE ARE MANY BRANCHES.”
As a youth representative Meghann Aurea Villanueve, Director of the Peace and Human Rights programme of the Fundacio Catalunya Voluntaria, brought in voices of "Youth" and stated the following: "Youth is not only the future but also is the present." Ms. Villanueve requested on behalf of her generation and youth from the High Level represenatives of the panel to be involved to take part in the decision making process on the challenging ongoing issues as well as on the decision process about their own future in the present time not in the future.
In conclusion , these issues requires working together and demands creativity and innovation. We must build a strong link for peace and dialogue among cultures.
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The Participants of the UNESCO High Panel and Interactive Forum at the United Nations:
• Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
• Jorge Sampaio (Portugal), High Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the Alliance of Civilizations; former President of Portugal
• His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud (Saudi Arabia), Chairman, Board of Directors, King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies
• Ivonne A-Baki (Ecuador), Artist, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, former President of the Andean Parliament (2007) and former Minister of Foreign Trade of Ecuador (2003-2005)
• Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri (Saudi Arabia), Director-General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)
• Günter Blobel (Germany), Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1999); John D. Rockefeller Jr. Professor and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the Rockefeller University
• Kjell Magne Bondevik (Norway), Founder and President of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights; former Prime Minister of Norway
• Chen Kaige (People's Republic of China), Film Director
• Esther Coopersmith (USA), United Nations Peace Prize Laureate and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue
• Sabiha Al Khemir (Tunisia), painter, writer, curator and historian of Islamic art, Founding Director of the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar
• Attiya Inayatullah (Pakistan) Member of The National Assembly of Pakistan and former Minister for Women’s Development, Social Welfare and Special Education of Pakistan
• Omer Zülfu Livaneli (Turkey), Writer, musician, Film Director,UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and Former Member of Parliament
• Forest Whitaker (USA), Oscar Winning Artist, Film Director and Producer
- Humeyra Imirzalioglu KOCAK, New York, March 11, 2011.