Profile of the Light Millennium-2009

***Celebrating the 9th Anniversary with multi-participations from all walks of life globally...
This is a global multi-media alternative platform for ALL for Greatness in Humanity...***

9th Anniversary and the 10th Year since its Introductory Issue


Light Millennium is built on the first article of the United States Bill of Rights: Freedom of Speech, in conjunction with the Universal Human Rights Article #19, on Freedom of Expression. It invites citizens of the world to submit, in an appropriate artistic medium, ideas and experiences that will help foster better understanding and connections between people of different cultures and beliefs. Since January 2000, LM has been publishing and presenting a diversity of ideas without censorship through writings, images and music that promote the well-being of the world and its inhabitants.


Light Millennium was introduced on the web in August 1999 by Bircan Ünver as a global multi-media platform inviting individuals to represent themselves and their communities. In January 2000, LM brought in multi-volunteer participation, and was formally incorporated as a “not-for-profit” organization on July 17, 2001. Individuals or organizations that share the same objectives as LM are encouraged to participate in our platform as writers, researchers, editors, activity or event organizers, and fundraisers. Contributors range from 7 to 90 years old, come from all over the world, and have backgrounds in various disciplines. LM formally celebrated its 9th Anniversary on April 30, 2009. However, LM is in its 10th year since its Introductory issue (1999), and has upheld the philosophy that all ideas can stand side by side as long as we respect and have tolerance for each other, and for other ideas, cultures, and religions.


LM is a Charitable & Public Benefit organization and has relied on 100% volunteer work and in-kind sponsorships gathered for public events. To this date, LM has been formed and developed with the voluntary efforts of its founder, board members and supporters, supplemented by four fundraising efforts.


The organization has e-published 22 issues of Light Millennium in English, 19 issues of ISIK BINYILI in Turkish, 2 issues of Turkish-Greek Synergy in English and Turkish (a total of 43 original e-publications as of December 2009), and since 2000, has organized 55 events including panels, conferences, lectures, special screenings, literary readings, poetry events, story nights, and campaigns (for Fugen Gulertekin & Tsunami Aid/Sri Lanka).

The Light Millennium TV
(“LMTV”) series was launched at Queens Public Television by Bircan Ünver under the umbrella of the Light Millennium in January 2000 as a monthly series; since then 65 original programs were produced and aired (the last two programs will be shown in July 2009) under the LMTV at Queens Public Television. Bircan won several awards for her TV programs. LMTV broadcasts independent programs on arts, culture,freedom of expression, peace and global issues. Further, LMTV sponsored 11 other television programs/documentaries in order to be shown at Queens Public TV. For “LMTV” Videography, please see>

The Light Millennium has become associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective as of December 12, 2005, and member of the Non Profit Coordination Committee of New York. The LM has participated in the 58th, 59th, and 60th United Nations Annual DPI/NGO (Department of Public Information of the United Nations) Conferences. On behalf of the organization, Bircan has been a member of the 59th, 60th, and the 61st of the Planning Committees of the UN/DPI-NGO Conferences, and related subcommittees. LM sponsored “UN Vision & Millennium Developments Goals Through Speaks the Arts program in 2006, and also during the 2007 Conference, titled "Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All" at the UN-HQ within the context of the Conference, titled “The Wild Cards in Climate Change: Weather Warfare, Geo-engineering and ENMOD.”

The Light Millennium website has been visited in over 136 countries since April 14, 2005. As an open global alternative platform, over 850 volunteer content contributors have formed the Light Millennium since January 2000. Bircan was awarded as a “Global Peace Volunteer” for her efforts on behalf of the Light Millennium by the Turkish-American local newspaper FORUM during the celebration of its 100th issue in NYC on October 25, 2008.

Bircan was one of the speakers at the Inaugural Meeting of the "7th International Conference on Peace Non-violence Action” which is organized by the Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA) in Jaipur, India from Nov.10 to 14, 2008. At the 7th ICPNA, Bircan was also the keynote speaker at the 3rd Plenary Session of the conference, titled "Culture of Nonviolence, Shared Cultures and Universal Culture.” Further, she received the “Peace Worker Award” from Anuvrat Global Organization, and also received “Honorary Guest” award from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former president of India, and prominent scientist. During her very brief trip to India, she also gave a talk to the students of the Mass Communications at the Mangalayatan University in Aligar. In her speech, Bircan focused on “Alternative Media and its Potentials.” In addition, Bircan was one of the speakers of the World March Launching program at NYC City Hall on December 7, 2008.


"What is especially interesting is that [the Light Millennium] publishes articles by people with great experience and provocative points of view," Professor and Former New York Times Foreign Correspondent Stephen Kinzer said to Queens Chronicle newspaper (March 25, 2004). "Many private web sites and blogs are filled with one person's ramblings. Light Millennium is the opposite of that. It's an increasingly sophisticated online magazine that provides insights that people won't find in many other places." Dr. S.L. Gandhi, President of the Anuvrat Global Organization, in his e-mail, stated: "We have invited you as a speaker, and also as a friend who has contributed a lot to social excellence and universal peace."

The Future:

The Internet is one of the main platforms for creating global connections. LM started with a core audience of Turks and Turkish-Americans and provided a link to a global community of thinkers interested in peace, humanitarian issues, dialogue and international cooperation. In recent editions, the audience has broadened and contributions are now received from all over the world. Historically, Turkey has been a bridge between Europe and Asia; between Islam and Christianity; between Democracy and Religion. Bringing those old Turkish traditions to the Internet, LM has the potential to be a bridge for humanity, spreading the message of peace and tolerance to all cultures and all countries.

Open Call for Involvement:

Light Millennium aims to expand and diversify its Board of Directors and Advisory Board. If you are interested in being a part of the LM through your ideas, professional, and cultural background, or willing to contribute to the below or newly proposed projects, please contact with:
Bircan Ünver, Executive Producer & Director, E-mail to:
Azime Aydogmus, General Secretary, E-Mail to:
Korcan Yurdacan, Treasurer, E-Mail to:

Recent Accomplishments:

* The Light Millennium and the Civil Society Institute together formed the Turkish-Armenian Synergy Initiative.
* Francis Bacon - A Centenary Retrospective: "Humans Are Violent" (Produced May 2009_
* –21st and 22nd issue combined (April, June 2009).
*LMTV: A Young Cellist: Achilles Ecos – A very first solo performance at age 9 (Produced May 2009).
* Panel, Book Discussion, and Book Signing Programs with Adalet Agaoglu for SUMMER’S END, realized on April 28, Princeton University; April 30, Turkish Center & May 1, 2009, New York University.
* A Book Presentation & Signing Program with Ambassador Ann Dismorr for the book TURKEY DECODED. Columbia University, NYC, on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009, & Yale University, CT, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009.
*LMTV: YUNUS EMRE: Contemporary of RUMI with Prof. Talat Halman based on the public program at the Columbia University on October 27, 2008. Shown at QPTV on March 6 & March 23, 2009.

Ongoing Projects:

* "Turkey 2010: Girls and Women Rights Revisited" for the International Women's Day. Tentatively during the week March 8, 2010.
* A Poetry Project within the concept of “Mystic Poets from 12th to 20th centuries within “Cultural Diversity & Reconciliation” concept.
* Parade of Faces: Who Speaks for Turkey? With Stephen Kinzer – A 6 parts of documentary in development process.
* A Book Tour with Stephen Kinzer on "Crescent & Star: Turkey between Two Worlds", 2008 Edition. (Depending on sponsorship availability.)
* Open Museum: Highlights from Archeological sites of Turkey – A Lecture by Prof. Samuel PALEY (tentatively Winter 2009)

Highlights from 2008:

* I Dream, Therefore I Am, public program, Dec. 16, 2008, NYC.
* Yunus Emre: Contemporary of RUMI with Prof. Talat Halman, Oct.27, 2008, Columbia University, NYC
* Yahya Kemal Beyatli: On Life, Love & Death, May 2, 2008, Turkish House, NYC.
* LMTV: I Dream, Therefore I Am.. August 18, Dec. 11 and Dec.25, 2008 shown at QPTV.
* LMTV: Rumi: To Unite - That Is Why We Came – March 17 and in May 2008 shown at QPTV.
* Light Millennium formed a Support Group. Coordinator of the Support Group: Hümeyra Kocak, Manager, Finance Sector
* #18nd Issue of the Turkish version of the Light Millennium, ISIKBINYILI.ORG, dedicated to: Leaders for Humanity (Insanlik icin Liderler). Content coordinator of the issue: Fatos Simsek, North Carolina.
* Sanatin Labirentlerinde.. (The Labyrinths of Arts). E-book published on ISIKBINYILI.ORG, in Turkish. Bircan Ünver's compiled surveys and interviews with 52 artists, academician and gallery owners from 1987-1990 in Istanbul among independent essays on life and experiences.


* Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective on December 12, 2005.
* Non-Profit Coordination Committee of New York, February 2008.

Registered with:

* State of New York, Office of the ATTORNEY GENERAL - OAG.STATE.NY.US
* NYCharities.Org
* GuideStar.Org
* TechSoup.Org
* MyCommitment.Org
* Idealist.Org
* NonProfit Connection
* NonProfit Technical Clinic Assistance

LM-Representatives to the UN/DPI:

* Bircan ÜNVER, Main Representative
* Kurt HEYL, Alternative Representative
* Merve ARABACI, Youth Representative

For the Light Millennium web site's stats, please see>

For more information, please e-mail to:

- Bircan Ãœnver E-mail: President, Executive Producer & Director:
- Azime Aydogmus, General Secretary, E-Mail to:

*Publishing Policy of the Light Millennium>
*Publishing Criteria>
Web sites: - -

-For PDF version of the organization profile>

Updated in December 2009.

"The Light Millennium, is a 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt and Public Benefit Organization & has become associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective December 12, 2005, and member of the Non-Profit Coordination Committee of New York. Based in Queens, New York - On the Web since August 1999... YOU ARE THE SOUL OF THIS GLOBAL PLATFORM. & WE ARE FOR THE GREATNESS IN HUMANITY."

9th Anniversary - Spring 2009 - LIGHTMILLENNIUM.ORG........
EVERYTHING SHOULD BE UNDER THE SUN: YES to the Global Peace Movement, YES to Loving & Caring Each Other, YES to Greatness in Humanity, YES to Saving Our Unique Mother Earth, YES to Great Dreams For Better Tomorrows, YES to Emerging Positive Global Energy, YES to National and Global Transparency, and YES to Lighting Our Souls & Minds.
We have only one WORLD yet! If we destroy it, where else will we go?
NO to New Nuclear Weapons - NO to Star Wars - NO to New Nuclear Targets...NO to Weapons In Space -
NO to New Pretexts For Nuclear War - NO to Nuclear Testing - NO to All Types Of Weapons & War & War Culture...
This e-platform is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, which is A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit organization based in New York. Introduced in August 1999; Established in January 2000; and Founded by Bircan Ünver on July 17, 2001, and associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective on December 12, 2005.

1: All manuscripts submitted become the property of the Light Millennium Organization. Contributers are solely responsible for the content of their own works.
2: Once ideas/manuscripts have been submitted and have appeared on the organization's web site/s, these ideas/manuscripts CANNOT BE REMOVED from the organization's Web site/s AT ANY TIME. The organization has aimed to create an "archive of our time".
From the inception of the Light Millennium until the present, all submitted ideas and written works have been presented on the Web, including the Introductory Issue. These are all available from the organization's Web ARCHIVE. (Please also read the "Letter of the Summer-2006 Issue")

If you wish to receive The Light Millennium's media releases, announcements or about future events
or to be part of the Light Millennium, please send us an e-mail to>

This site is copyright© 1999-2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008 & 2009 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & Lightmillennium.Org. The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators. All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Created, developed and designed by Bircan Ünver ©2009, Lightmillennium.Org, 9th Anniversary, Issue#21 & 22 combined, New York, and finalized in Istanbul. April - June 2009.