Light Millennium - Global Diversity School Project
An open global school project proposal (in development
of The Light Millennium -
Global Diversity School Project
Project by Bircan
For Page I:
Introduction - May 2, 2004
-- ISTANBUL DIARY: A Dream of 5 Billion Dollars
Page II (This page):
Definition of the Dream or Global Diversity School Project
Grace Period & Outcome of the project
-- Summary
& Conclusion
& Definition of the Project
The Light
Millennium - Global Diversity School Project
formal definition of this dream is very simple in essence.
The Light Millennium: A Global-Diversity School Project:
starting from age 3 until master's degree or until gaining
a degree (24-26) in a specific field, which is directly
connected with professional life, such as technology,
science, international business, culture, academia,
in all levels of education as well as in all active
and emerging fields which exist or may develop in time.
the principal concept and aim, a combination of home
and school oriented project will be developed in a horizontal
and circular chain formation. This is like a meridian:
each school will represent and be surrounded with children
from around the world, and the expansion of the project
or increasing the number of the children and students
annually will also be based on the same principal for
orphan, poor, war or terror victims and from poverty
level or lower income families' kids globally.
addition to that, people with no economic and financial
difficulties, but are divorced families or single parents
not capable to take care of their children because of
psychological and/or social problems will be considered
in this concept too. Their children also will be accepted
to The Light Millennium - Global Diversity School.
In this case, these children's families will have to
pay an annual tuition for their own children. These
children's education and any given opportunities will
be exactly the same with the rest.
other words, the target children for this school are
in and from six continents, from the age of 3, poor,
orphan, single-parented children or the children of
victims of war, terror, and all sorts of socially and
mentally disordered families' kids or victimized children
by the wrong or one sided-political practices (such
as in Karabag/Azerbaijan), and the like. I believe
that, these children, if not given home and chance for
a healthy growing and education, might turn out to be
potential self-destructive bombs, terrorists, thieves,
criminals or murderers whether their families are financially
capable or not.
objective is, to raise these children as "smart,
good, productive, hardworking and useful" individuals
within a peaceful and caring setting. It is aimed to
create an environment for ongoing growth, development
and force to expand our preset mind limits through this
global diversified education system, and also to establish,
uplift and sustain this environment towards a true global
community and peace in all meanings. Therefore, when
these children join the work force globally, they also
will lead the whole world for a better future. These
school/s will not raise a few leaders out of several
million students over the years, but most likely will
raise each and every one of them as a leader who will
be a continuous contributor to this world in this concept
in every level of his/her life.
very first global schools might be developed and implemented
from any and all of the following countries: Iraq,
Afghanistan, Turkey (Aegean or Mediterranean Cost),
Northern Cyprus; Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia; India,
Sri Lanka; Chili, Brazil, Ecuador; Australia; Spain,
Portugal; Hong-Kong, Taiwan, and the USA (in Key West,
Florida or Orlando or California).
the above, the first chosen pilot schools might probably
be from the Aegean Region (possibly Izmir) or a village
close to the Mediterranean coast (Antalya) in Turkey
or in North Cyprus and Azerbaijan in-conjunction with
Iraq and Afghanistan.
like in the procedures of immigration to the USA, at
first, 55 thousand children will be accepted from all
countries annually. After the project's full implementation,
the target will be 300 thousand children in the following
5 or 10 years. It is a school perception which embraces
a family-home-school concept for the individual of tomorrow
until he/she attends a college and earns a profession.
will actively involve in activities such as school chores,
administration, ongoing projects, farming or building
(based on the geographical location and need), handcrafts,
laboratory, engineering, architecture, playing at least
one musical instrument. Creative works will be strongly
encouraged based on individual interest areas or skills
from 1st grade on. In time, these schools should provide
necessary food and protein for their children based
on their own products. Examples:
Nesin Children Foundation & Koy Enstituleri
(Institutes of Village - 1940-45)
The Light Millennium - Global Diversity School Project's
("LM - GDSP") implementation, applications
and practices, an LM-GDSP Supreme Council should
be developed and established. This council will develop
its curriculum for pre-K through 12th grades,
college, masters, perhaps doctorate programs as well
as vocational and certificate programs. The LM-GDSP
Supreme Council will build up from global top level
educators, experts on education, pedagogues, physiologists,
physical educators, psychologists, scientists, mathematicians,
physicists, astronomers,
contemporary authors/poets, artists, musicians, so on
and so forth from the participant countries of the projects.
There also will be a need to develop and formed A
Global Education Constitution in the context of
the LM-GDSP project which will be agreed upon by each
and every participant government's representatives.
Or the representatives will agree to sign the constitution
in order to benefit from it or to be a part of it, where
there might be slight adjustments depending on every
country's geographical situation and educational system
which should work in conjunction with but not limited
to the existing one.
essence, LM - GDSP aims to establish a school that will
raise and educate children of the world all together,
creating a unique global family. It will be an institution
that will function both as a home/family and a school
which will provide several efficient tools for these
children's lives. When children are 6 years old and
up, there will be an ongoing exchange program between
other partner schools in different continents in that
time. For instance: none of the children will finish
the school from pre-K to Master's degree in the same
country or continent. Ongoing exchange programs will
start with summer trips and winter breaks for 6 year
olds and up. In that early age, those children will
get to know other parts of the world and their global
brothers and sisters. Another example might be: the
ones who graduate from high school in an American branch
might study higher education in Africa or Asia or Australia
or vise-versa. When they graduate from college or after
having a master's degree or profession, each and every
one of these children will know the 6 continents, understand
their friends and differences and cultural values and
will already have built up their own global family and
network from the very beginning.
this reason, these children also can be the guardians
of the Earth to prevent the rest from wrong- doings.
an initial approach of this project, these children
will be indebted neither to the state nor to the school
nor to an individual. However, when they attain their
profession, they will contribute for 3 children like
themselves to be educated. For this purpose, at the
stage when they are graduating from their schools to
gain a profession, they will freely choose 3 children
from 3 different nations from the chain of these schools,
and they will contribute a ratio of their income 2-4
times annually for these children's education and will
become the honorary families of these children.
the early application process of the project, one of
the main goals is to implement the education process
concerning children from age 3 to 15 as a whole. Following
this, high school, college, master's and doctorate programs
or vocational schools to function stage by stage is
a general and tangent frame, the first category to be
accepted to this school consists of 3-6 year olds. The
second category is 6-12 year olds (Including elementary
and secondary high school), the third category is 15-18
year olds (high school and college).
is a project to be put into implementation stage by
stage. For instance, at the first stage, preschool,
elementary and middle school might be planned to start
functioning. They will have a curriculum in 3 languages
and will offer 9 elective language courses within 6
it was mentioned previously, this will be a FREE of
TUITION school for the children to be selected from
underdeveloped, or developing countries amongst low
income families. This is a school project to be implemented,
developed and spread in many places in the world under
the umbrella of a multinational institution and foundation (as a model: a combination of United
Nations, UNICEF
& Millennium Challenge)
to be built by the donation funds from the economically
developed countries and multinational companies' budgets
every year and also with the incorporation of the United
Nations, UNICEF and the World
Bank as well as that of the government agencies
in related country and continents.
such as Science, Physics, Mathematics, Arts, History,
Archaeology, Foreign Languages, Astronomy, Space Technology,
Design Engineering, International Culture, Literature
and emerging new fields will be part of the curriculum
at every level.
the 'Big Picture" of the today's world,
this project has been born as an alternative and a solution
to the existing global injustice and also as an investment
for the children and the humanity for better tomorrows.
course, this will be only possible with an ongoing incorporation
with government agencies, institutions, private sectors,
international and multinational corporations as well
as with contributions globally from every social walks
of life. This project definitely will lead us to weaken
and in time fading all existing prejudices, to move
into a much more creative and saver era, and to pour
all sources and energy for increasing global education
level, to better understand each other, and life standards
to develop in all means.
Grace Period & Outcome of the project:
project's first grace period will be for 25 years, secondly
15 years more, and additionally for the third period,
10 more years. When $5 billion is compiled from various
sources, it will prompt to implement the project in
6 continents (6 to 8 potential countries) in full capacity
within 5 to 10 years, and will be used as a main source
for the first 25 and the partly for next 10 years.
project's first outcome/return to the global community
will be in around 2040-50, and major changes and great
accomplishments and achievements from these potentials
will come out and flourish the globe between the years
a global and international education platform is dreamed
as a school that brings together children from the countries
for creating a global family who are members of the
United Nations and have 'signed the human rights agreements'
and not been able to take sufficient care of their children
so far. The goal is to carry the United Nations' structure
of participation and institution to the area of education
and, develop and spread it for this project purpose.
the same time, the Green Card lottery example which
allows certain number of people from different countries
to to live in the US every year is an inspiration to
such school project. In particular, considering that
the US is importing adults via lottery and but not offering
them any jobs, or health and future guarantee, the Global
Diversity School Project can be an investment for the
US in the long term as well as to pay back to the global
community. As an essence of creating a diversity global
community, The Light Millennium - Global Diversity
School Project will be formed and based on this
principal. Furthermore, it will be a channel to raise
good citizens of the World as well as it will be a leader
to increase global education standards and perhaps will
lead us for a "World State" and "World
Citizenship" status.
Summary and Conclusion:
a summary, this dream concerns, 5-10 years after the
project's inception, having a capacity of offering education
starting from 55 thousand to 300 thousand students every
year under the condition of a multinational, diversified
and equally distributed participation.
students will consist of the children from families
who do not have the economic living standard that each
country has defined as an average, or children of divorced
couples, or who lost their families in an accident or
natural disasters, or single-parented children or children
of communities which are exposed to political mistreatments
or the effects of internal or general war causes over
the families and children.
One of the main principles is that the total number
of the students to be selected for the school should
consist of equal number of girls and boys.
the beginning of the 22nd Century,
The Light Millennium - Global Diversity Schools
will be developed in many countries, and then the global
community will be merged, global social and economic
cliffs and mega gaps will be partly fixed and get much
more closer to each other. The production of weapons
will be enormously decreased, and these sources will
be channeled to this sort of global projects in each
and every country.
this will also lead to abolishment of all types of war,
terrorism, mass-destruction, and production of both
conventional and nuclear weapons. And the end result
will be the elevation of human mind and soul for a greater
global united family, which will also lead us to the
"Golden Age" of humanity as Sir
Arthur C. Clarke has envisioned in his future epic
and legendary masterpiece, "Childhood's End"
doubt, to raise and gain these children as 'intelligent,
smart, good, productive, hardworking, caring, open minded
and efficient, and effective in their field' individuals
as well as seeding love in them to all people for creating
a greater global community, which will take the whole
world towards a World State, and a better future
where we imagine to live that possibly will connect
us with other planets...
- . -
by Figen Bingül
Light Millennium - Global Diversity School Project -
An ongoing development process...
For Page - I
Introduction - May 2, 2004
-- ISTANBUL DIARY: A Dream of 5 Billion Dollars
Ünver, The Light Millennium - Global Diversity
School Project - An ongoing development process...
-- Based on Manifesto III: Light Millennium - Global
School Project - Part II, May 2, 2004, New York; and
"Istanbul Güncesi: 5 Milyar Dolarlik Düs,"
September 18, 2001, Istanbul.
1st revision in May 2004, New York.
-- Last revisions in July 2004, New York.
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