WELCOME To The Summer 2003 issue of The Light Millennium...
WELCOME To Your Virtual Global Home Full of Hope...

WELCOME To All Ideas Except Those that Promote War, Religious Propaganda, or Discrimination....

Please send your submissions related "How To Decrease Global Hunger?" question for the
New Year-2004 issue (deadline: October 31) as well as your comments to publish to>
For Current Updates>

New Book - July 2003:
- All The Shah's Men
An American Coup and The Roots of
Middle East Terror
by Stephen KINZER

Major Exhibition at MoMA-QNS:
- Max Beckmann: An Alternative of the Modern Art

New Exhibition at MoMA-QNS
- Ansel Adams at 100

A Photo Essay:
- As Times Go by...
by Ayhan M. DUMAN
With Peace Drops...

Reflections on Photography, Painting and Film:
- A conversation with Chicago-based multimedia artist Tom Palazzolo
Article by Marianne A. KINZER
Phographs by Tom PALAZZOLO

- Letters From Anatolia, Part II
by Dmetri KAKMI

- Kraan- Through-Bassball Recordings
[BAS 20032]
by Robert J. BAUMANN

- En Kutsali Yaratmak (To Create Is Most Sacred)

- "On The Road To Ruin"
- Everyone Knows Who You Are!

by Jerry Lee MILLER

- The Pledge
by Alberto O. CAPPAS
- Clear. Natural. Poignant: These words accurately describe
Alberto O.  Cappas and his work and achievements

by Jaira PLACIDE

- Making A Place In The World For The Female Mystic
- How To Be A Mystic In A Traffic Jam
- Full Moon In Jerusalem
by Dr. Jodi Shams PRINZIVALLI

-Cycle Of Survival, -The World Itself,
- Bad Merchanti List & Harmonized Din

New poems & Photos by Ugur AKINCI

- Arabesk
by Asli OMUR
- Girl
A Call For Poetry Writing & Reading
-When Peace Comes...

A Proposal for multi-facet and venues
poetry reading events in 2004

-How To Enter?

- 50th International Art Exhibition
Until November 2003

The Pavilion of Turkey

An Upcoming Exhibition:
- Omer MUZ: Painting, Music, Poetry and My Daughter Elif Maya...

Interview by Sabati KARAKURT

- Flip & Dombitz
Part: V
by Robert J. BAUMANN

- You should eat a little something
Part I
by Robert J. BAUMANN

- The Home and the Garden
by Shridhar KAMBLI

On 50th Venice Biennale - Artwork makes the everyday life of the viewer easy...
by Beral MADRA

Letter of the
Summer-03 Issue:

- Who will we be? Who are we? &
A Will

by Bircan UNVER

Project 1453:
n Australian Story
by Dr. Susan AYKUT, Paul KAVANAGH & Terry PAPADIS

New Book
Living History: Hillary Rodham Clinton took command and told her own story in 528 pages...
by Yonca POYRAZ

Global Awareness:
On a new version of the
"Strategy of Preemptive

by Mehmet UCA

- Yakup CEM: The arts of Western, Eastern and the Ottoman can stand together...
by Bircan ÜNVER

Blue Series: 1, 2, 3 & 4
by Christina SOTO
New Quests
Religion & Spirituality in Alcoholism Assessment

by Sharon J. TURNER
- Dark Rapture
directed by Darly BOLING
Performance Dates:
August 20th - 30th, Wed - Sat

Current Updates - October 2003

A Watercolor Exhibition:
- Timeless City Istanbul
by Omer MUZ
Exhibition Dates:
October 30 to November 21, 2003
New York

The 8th International Istanbul Biennale
- Poetic Justice


- The Opening Ceremony of the 8th Istanbul Biennial

Siir Projesi - 2004
-Baris Geldigi Zaman
(For Turkish Participation)

When Peace Comes

- How To Enter?
Deadline: January 7, 2004


12th Issue
Dedication theme for the New Year-2004 issue is: How To Decrease Global Hunger?
Deadline for the New Year 2004 issue: October 31, 2003

This issue dedicated to Global Awareness: All The Shah's Men & "Strategy of Preemptive Strive"

If you wish to receive The Light Millennium's media releases, announcements or about future events,
please send us an e-mail to:contact@lightmillennium.org
This e-magazine is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, Inc.,
A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit
organization based in New York.
Established in January 2000, and founded by Bircan Unver on July 17, 2001
A Public Interest Multi-Media Global Platform.

Isik Binyili (Seeking sponsors for e-publishing in Turkish.)
Light Millennium's Internal Search
Including Introductory Issue - August 1999

©The Light Millennium e-magazine was created and designed by
Bircan ÜNVER
.Summer 2003- 12th Issue. August 2003, New York.

This site is copyright© 1999-2003 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & The Light Millennium.org.
The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators.
All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
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