WELCOME To The New Year 2004 issue of The Light Millennium... WELCOME To Your Virtual Global Home Full of Hope...
WELCOME To All Ideas Except Those that Promote War, Religious Propaganda, or Discrimination....

The Spring/Summer 2004 Issue will be dedicated to the:
Children of the World
*** The new issue will be updated in mid of July 2004. Thank you so much for your patient
and incorporation. June 20, 2004 -- With Peace & Love. B.Ü.

ATAA: Ankara, Istanbul, Baku & Karabag - *** Yeni (In Turkish)

Dedicated to: How To Decrease Global Hunger?
Adelante Organization:
- Using micro-credit to fight poverty and hunger
by Marianne A. KINZER
- Global Hunger ~ The Bigger Picture
by Harvey TORDOFF
- World Trade Organization ~ Killing Farmers
by Harvey TORDOFF
- Cycles of Lives Around Us
(A Reminder Essay)
Endangered: The Family Farmer
by Julie MARDIN

- Legendary writer and scientist celebrates his
86th Birthday on December 16.
May you live many thousands of years,
Sir Arthur C. CLARKE!

- Writing Wrongs - The Monk
by Harvey TORDOFF

- "The rules have changed,
the field has changed,
and even the game has changed."


- Letter of the New Year 2004 Issue:
How To Decrease Global Hunger?
by Bircan ÜNVER

Dr. Süleyman GOKOGLU: NASA stands "for the benefit of all."
A joint interview by Lale Tayla & Figen Bingül
- A brief profile of Dr. Süleyman GOKOGLU

Updated: December 20, 2003
A call for how to unite and create a synergy between all people!
- Istanbul: Grief, Share & Call
- Many voices for whole.. - "Walking Our Talk"
- A tribute for three unique people of Istanbul
by Cüneyt AYRAL

- El Greco
When you have that permission to be who you are, it opens your creativity box...

by Louise MERCADO

- Imagining the Prairie
Paintings and Article by Marianne A. KINZER

- Compatible With The New Era
The Third Millennium

by Ataollah OMIDVAR

- Our material world is only a small part of reality
A message, an art statement and paintings by Marat ZAHARIN

- Letters From Anatolia, part III
What is a Turkish face? What is a Greek face?

by Dmetri KAKMI
- Gallipoli: The Turkish story
by Kevin FEWSTER, Vecihi BASARIN & Hatice BASARIN
- An Interview with Satan, p.1
-Comma: When EU and Turks meets head on...
by Selçuk M. PERIN
- Snow
by Tezer OZLÜ
Translated by Figen BINGÜL

- Musica Mundana & Alla Turca Concert
With Aysegul DURAKOGLU
- Mesut Ozgen: A Guitar Odyssey
by Adam COTTON
- Eat A Little Something, p2
by Robert J. BAUMANN
- Alkim SERBEST: I strived for improving myself without knowing why"
An interview by Hamit SERBEST

- Polynomial & Humbling Realization
by Ugur AKINCI
Selected Poems by Geraldine GREEN - Selected Poems by H. Çigdem YORGANCIOGLU - We are everywhere
by Ugur AKINCI

- Speaking of the Sultan
An Introductory Speech by
Prof. Talat Halman
Seeking The Sultan
- We can bridge enormous changes in our lives
A mirror interview by Didem YILMAZ
-Profile of Didem Yilmaz
- My goal is to underline
the female perspective in my movies

by Nazli Burcu YUZAK
- Treatment of "A Kiss For Joe" - "A Kiss for Joe", p.1
A film script by Pedro MALLOL & Edgardo VIERECK
- Philip & Dombitz - Conclusion
by Robert J. BAUMANN

- Geraldine Green: Where to begin? Who am I?  What do I do?  (Profile) - Cigdem was on the way coming to earth...
- Harvey TORDOFF: We need to recognize the chain of events (profile) Turkuaz: Connect, Share and Inspire  

  Dr. M. A. Muqtedar KHAN:
"If those very things disappear... America will not be worth living for or living in."

An interview by Yonca DOGAN POYRAZ
Updated: December 20, 2003
-When Peace Comes...
A Proposal for multi-facet and venues
poetry reading events in 2004

-How To Enter?


An event: Feb.25, 2004- NYC
- "Camera or Gun?"
How to produce your own programs to be aired?

by Clifford JACOBS

A Conference: April 2, 2004
-The Rourth Emerging Power in the Middle East
Redefining the Turkish Media's Role & Future

A Conference & Power Point Presentation
Introductory and hosted by: Edward FOSTER
Place: Kidde Building (central campus),
Kidde lecture hall, 228 Kidde
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey
-Türkce Medya Bülteni için>>>

New Year 2004
13th Issue
Dedication theme for the Spring -2004 issue is: CHILDREN OF THE WORLD...
Deadline for the Spring 2004 issue: March 31, 2004

This issue dedicated to: HOW TO DECREASE GLOBAL HUNGER?

If you wish to receive The Light Millennium's media releases, announcements or about future events,
please send us an e-mail to:contact@lightmillennium.org
This e-magazine is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, Inc.,
A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit
organization based in New York.
Established in January 2000, and founded by Bircan Unver on July 17, 2001
A Public Interest Multi-Media Global Platform.

Isik Binyili (Seeking sponsors for e-publishing in Turkish.)
Light Millennium's Internal Search
Including Introductory Issue - August 1999

©The Light Millennium e-magazine was created and designed by
Bircan ÜNVER
.New Year 2004 - 13th Issue. December 15, 2003, New York.

For Light Millennium's
Activated since
November 21, 2003
This site is copyright© 1999-2004 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & The Light Millennium.org.
The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators.
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