WELCOME To the Light Millennium's global alternative platform...
WELCOME To ALL Ideas Except Those that Promote War, Religious Propaganda, or Discrimination....

Mission of the Light Millennium>
To provide an international platform for the free expression of ideas and experiences in order to foster a global connection among all people.

Profile of the Light Millennium>

For the 11th issue of
Dedication concept for this issue: "CHOICE FOR HUMANITY"
Inspired by Mohammed ELBARADEI
2005-NOBEL PEACE PRIZE Recipient

Dedication Concept for Summer-06 Issue: Environment
Deadline: May 31, 2006
Please send your submissions to> contact@lightmillennium.org
The Light Millennium, Inc. has associated with the United Nations/Department of Public Information effective December 12, 2006.
Dedication Dedication Dedication Chernobly+20 LM-South Two Universal Men:
-- Nuclear Power Is Still A Bad Idea &
-- Chernobyl cannot be forgotten...
by Hümeyra Imirzalioglu KOÇAK

-- The Saga of the Nuclear Power - Page I
- Page II
by Prof. Hayrettin KILIÇ
The Letter for the 6th Anniversary:
--On "Choice For Humanity"
by Bircan ÜNVER
20th Anniversary:
-- Re-visitng of Chernobly
by Prof. Hayrettin KILIÇ

Book Review:
Leyla - The Black Tulip by Alev Lytle Croutier
by Irem UNAL
-- Mevlana Celaleddin RUMI & Arthur C. CLARKE

Egogram 2006 -
-- Of Arthur C. CLARKE
The Role of the Media UNDPI/NGO UNDPI/NGO UNDPI/NGO LM-South Literature LM-News
--Freedom of expression today in Denmark is not what it used to be...
Briefing - March 2, 2006:
-- On the recent international crisis over the Danish cartoons...
-- We know that intercultural and interreligious dialogue is not a luxury...
by Sr Joan KIRBY
Observance of International Women's Day - March 8, 2006:
-- "World is Ready for Woman"
-- UNESCO Recognizes Mevlevi Sema Ceremony
LM-South, North Carolina
A Poetic Presentation:
-- Yunus Emre: A Turkish Medieval Mystic Dervish
-- Page: I

-- Page: II
Presented by Prof. Talat Halman & Defne Halman
-- Association with the UN/DPI & Call for the 6th Anniversary
-- Profile of the Light Millennium - 2006
UNESCO Archeology Major Exhibition Current Exhibition Art Lecture
International Dance Concil - CID:
-- Dance Day preparations & Information for World Congress participants
-- Çadir Hoyük has something for everyone
-- A Multi-Layered Ancient City: ÇADIR HOYÜK
A Lecture by Dr. Sam PALEY (Media Release)
-- Edvard Munch: The Modern Life of the Soul 
MoMA Exhibition explores Edward MUNCH's compelling artistic achievement,
surveying his career in its entirety.
-- Robert RAUSCHENBERG: Combines
Until April 2, 2006
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Exhibition Hall, 2nd floor @Metropolitan Museum of Art
-- How Andy Warhol Shot Istanbul?
On Kezban Arca BATIBEKI's film

by Ali AKAY
-- Leviathan:
Identity Interactions between Society and Technology

H.B. PAKSOY, D. Phil.

LM-South LM-South Jazz Music Community Builder LM-South Global Issues
-- Some people make the world a better place just by being in it...
LM-South, North Carolina
-- A Ten-Year-Old's Yearning For a Positive Change
by Fatos SIMSEK
LM-South, North Carolina
--Splash and Ripple from Green Island:
The Musical Legacy of Don Drummond

by Joseph CARNEY
-- Profile of a Turkish-American Community Builder: Sema Karaoglu
LM-SOUTh - North Carolina

-- "Delegate From Turkey
by Burcu BOZKURT
Sophomore at Broughton High School in Raleigh, NC, LM South - Teen Representative

-- Opening Remarks for Turkey Labor Market Study
by Andrew N. VORKINK
World Bank - Country Director for Turkey
-- "The Library Week" in Turkey & Turkish-American Libraries in the USA
by Yuksel OKTAY

-- Millennium Challenge Corporation Signs Compact with Benin

Summer-2006 Dedication Issue> ENVIRONMENT - Deadline: May 31, 2006

The Light Millennium, Inc. has associated with the United Nations/Department of Public Information effective December 12, 2006.

Mission of the Light Millennium:
To provide an international platform for the free expression of ideas and experiences in order to foster a global connection among all people.

For your comments, submissions and requests:


This e-magazine is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, Inc.,
A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit
organization based in New York.
Introduced in August 1999 on the web,
Established in January 2000, and
founded by Bircan Ünver on July 17, 2001
A Public Interest Multi-Media Global Alternative Platform.
@ The Light Millennium e-magazine created and designed by Bircan ÜNVER,
since August 1999, and incorporated under The Ligth Millennium, Inc.;
URL: http://lightmillennium.org

Stats only shows after August 21, 2005. The web hosting server has changed since then.

This site is copyright© 1999-2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & The Light Millennium.org. The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators. All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
March - April, 2006
, New York.
[VolunteerMatch - Get out. Do good.]
For The Light Millennium:
This web site produced on Mac platform.
#17th Issue
March-April'06 -
6th Anniversary

On Overthrow
America's Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
An Exclusive Interview with Stephen KINZER
For Preface
Page: 1
Page II
by Bircan ÜNVER
Profile of Stephen KINZER