
LM-BROCHURE (Front - 2013)
2010 BROCHURE ()utside - jpg)
Brochure (inside)

The Light Millennium

INTRODUCTION & DEFINITION (In this page) - 2/4 - Pdf


“MY ACTION PLAN” or “WHAT IS MY ACTION PLAN?” is a proposal to open up exposure for the work of NGOs, CSOs who are doing on the ground and pioneering work in furthering the UN’s Post 2015 Sustainability and Millennial Development Goals. The exposure would be through a designated website(s) ( and via other interested collaborator’ website(s), via an open call framework for articles, videos, photoessays, whatever format in which the organization chooses to present their action, to outline a specific program that has proven success that they would like to share, or one that they are hoping to enact. On a quarterly basis there will be a selection of the most effective Action Plans or committed projects, which will be presented on the initially proposed primarily website, and/or other DPI/NGO affiliated websites who are also will be part of the core committee members of the project.

The project builds on the potential in us–each NGO, CSO, or any interested party from any walk of life–to bring about solutions and resolve pressing problems obstructing human developments. It empowers the question, if we had the means to implement any measures necessary to carry out a plan of action, what would that plan of action be?

In particular, this project focuses on problems and violations in all Post-2015 SDG targeted areas on a local, city, national, regional, and international level, where there is a benefit for NGO, CSO, University or other scholarly organizations to be exposed to each other’s work, offer specialized support and create a dialogue that could make possible quicker constructive solutions.

The project aims to obtain “action and solution oriented” ideas, envisioned or planned projects or profiles of ongoing short or long-term projects via an open CALL/Invitation for Submissions within the concept of the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference, context of the “Post 2015 Sustainable ‘Human’ Development Agenda” and BEYOND that the essence of the project is also “human development centered” as well.

Based on a specified goal and sub-theme of the Post-2015 Sustainable Human Development Agenda, this project will compile and present selected ideas on the Conference’s website and other assigned website(s)* in order to create further awareness, involvement, expand outreach, bring in “best practices, lessons learned and best plan and envision proposal and projects onto the table as well as expand the conference’s life span after the conference. Initial

submissions should be solicited from conference attendees and non-attendees from around the world who are not able to travel to the event, in order to gain the largest perspective on current successful programs, ongoing activities, and action plans for the future, both on the basis of the MDGs and Post-2015 SDGs.


It principally aims to present unique ideas – effective solutions for community, regional, and country-wide problems in order to resolve them completely or to lessen related ongoing social or political problems on the conference’s web site or on a designated relevant website. In each, the focus will be on a specific problem or obstacle, as well as constructive solutions that bring us closer to achieving the MDGs and contribute to the Post-2015 period for human, local and regional developments, but also for “global partnerships”, which are also on the SDGs Agenda.

There is also a particular aim to involve and bring to the front line Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – in particular, from the least developed and developing countries– that work on the ground on different aspects of MDGs and SDGs. Further, it also aims to encourage universities’ and student involvement (through class, research papers or production projects) and people from all walks of life that oversee special, specific and innovative programs on development, human rights, women empowerment, conflict transformation, advancing culture of peace, environment, climate change, access to freedom of information, and other relevant issues.

[*] There could be more than one web platform. For instance, a network of participating websites, who all agree to host a certain number of submitted “What is My Action?” projects on a quarterly base. The main hosting website can select 3-5 of what it sees as the most promising submissions, and transfer the rest onto a family of other hosting sites, based upon their focus areas or related interests in order to provide more projects visibility on various platforms. Each website will present an original or submitted profile of ongoing project that the initially assigned website will always have the priority. Other interested websites won’t be duplicating published contents but the secondary category selected pieces if they chose so. However, all interested UN/DPI associated NGOs might share its links through social media and/or may present it with a brief summary and related link on their website as well.



For more information, email to: MYACTION@LIGHTMILLENNIUM.ORG


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This e-platform is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, which is A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit organization based in New York. Introduced in August 1999 on the Web; Established in January 2000; and Founded by Bircan Ünver on July 17, 2001, and associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective on December 12, 2005.

This site is copyright© 1999-2014 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & Lightmillennium.Org. The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators. All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Created, developed and designed by Bircan Ünver
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