NO New Nuclear Weapons... NO New Nuclear Targets... NO New Pretexts For Nuclear War... NO Nuclear Testing...
NO Star Wars... NO Weapons In Space...
NO All Types Of Weapons, War & War Culture...
We have only one WORLD yet! If we destroy it, where else will we go?
Brand/Name Exposure &
Sponsorship Categories

Following is what Light Millennium can provide you with:

Your Brand/Name Exposure

The sponsor's logo & link (and website address) will be presented in the following places:

-       On Light Millennium's home page (under the section "Our sponsors") and subsequent web pages

-       On Light Millennium's e-mail announcement for the event that will go out to more than 10,000 e-mail subscribers who have signed up through our website

-       Based on each new issue, when we have sustained an Uranus category sponsorship, then we will organize an event after the very next issue is published,  and will promote our sponsors with related media releases,  announcements, and mini brochure and flyers which will be distributed in New York and New Jersey to promote the event.

-       On mini-posters that will be posted at strategically important Turkish restaurants, delis, cafes etc.

-       At the venue the night of the event (The logo will be creatively exposed) 

The following categories for each issue are available for sponsorship contribution (Beside 'friends and angels', the names are taken from planet Uranus and its orbits):

o      Friends ($1 - 100)

o      Angels ($101 - 299)

o      Miranda ($300 - 599)

o      Desdemona ($600 -999)

o      Bianca ($1000 - 1999)

o      Ariel ($2000 - 2999)

o      Uranus ($ 3,000 + )

- Friends : Names will be listed on the Our Sponsor page under this category, and will be thank in related page.
- Angels:
Logo is included on LM's website and program brochure

- Miranda: Logo is included on LM's website, program brochure, e-announcement, and including company name in the press release.

- Desdemona: Logo is included on LM's website, e-mail announcement-press release, program brochure, and flyers.

- Bianca: Logo will be included on LM's website &  Isik Binyili, e-mail announcements, flyers and program brochure

- Ariel: Logo will be included on LM's website, Isik Binyili, e-mail announcements, flyers, mini-posters, and program brochure.

- Uranus: Logo will be included on all promotional items that LM will utilize to promote a new issue and follow by an event including website, e-mail announcements, flyers, mini-posters, and program brochure.

As an introductory offer, we will also give extra exposure on LM's Summer or the following issue.

Also the following category is available for annual, semi-annual and quarterly sponsorship contribution for all the LM multi-media platforms and cultural events (The name is taken from planet Jupiter):

      Jupiter ($ 20,000 +)Annual sponsorship for the LIGHT MILLENNIUM & ISIK BINYILI, TURKISH & GREEK SYNERGY’S new issue in Turkish and English, and two of the LMTV art and culture TV programs as full page sponsorship credit page (at the beginning and ending of each program as 15 sc) with your company contact and web info which will be broadcast several times in a year in New York. Also, your company logo and web site will be place in two of our cultural events  during the year, and we will promote our sponsors in this category widely and frequently via announcements, media release as well as on the LM multi-platforms.

o      As a one time-only promotion, the sponsor will also get extra exposure on Light Millennium’s one of the on-line publications.

o      Our annual sponsor's company logo’s will be presented underneath of the homepages as main sponsor of the LM publications, which will begin with the following issues based on received annual contribution and will be  full 12 month period and will be included all LM publications. For instance: "Light Millennium organization is sponsored by.............................. for the period of from - to - . We greatful for our sponsor's generous contribution."

o      Himalia ($10,000) – For six months all above, including one television program and two events.

o      Gannymede ($5,000) – For three months all above and including one event and “special thanks” on one television program.



Based on your sponsorship contributions, we have aimed to be a powerful voice for all people globally who cares others, embraces each others via arts, culture, peace, freedom of expression, social issues as well as understanding and respecting cultural differences and religions.

Please keep in mind that your sponsorship won’t be a temporary process which means your/your company’s logo and given link or any published profile related with you or with your company will remain in the Light Millennium's related issues. Thus, in any Internet searches whether on your name, company or any name or subject which covered the issue/issues which you sponsored, then your logo-link and information will be appeared and available globally in all times…

We basically have aimed to serve for people's good, and with your contributions will able to do our job better and will be much more effective as well as will able to better infrastructure. All these will empower us for a global impact and able to spread out your name globally which will create sympathy to your company that will lead your potential clients or customers towards your company.

Your "charitable contributions" will be reflected in our upcoming publications and projects based on your selected "sponsorship category".

Thank you so much for your consideration to be sponsor of the Light Millennium organization and its ongoing projects.

With peace, light and love,

Bircan Unver
The Light Millennium
Founding President

For your charitable, tax-exempt donations:

For Wire transfers The Light Millennium, Inc., Chase JP Morgan Bank
81-35 Lefferts Boulevard, Kew Gardens, NY, 11415
ABA No: 021000021, Account No: 463500527365

Or make checks payable to "The Light Millennium, Inc."
87-82 115th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418

For More Information:
Phone: 1-718-846-5776
Fax: 1-718-441-881
E-mail: contact@lightmillennium.org


"An open platform for Greatness in Humanity"&
"You are the soul of this global platform.

© July 2003, Light Millennium

This issue is dedicated to Global Awareness

If you wish to receive The Light Millennium's media releases, announcements or about future events,
please send us an e-mail to

YES For The Global Peace Movement, YES Loving & Caring Each Other, YES Greatness in Humanity, YES Saving Our Unique Mother Earth,
YES Great Dreams For Better Tomorrows, YES Emerging Positive Global Energy, YES National and Global Transparency, and YES Lighting Our Souls & Minds.
This e-magazine is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, Inc., which is
A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit
organization based in New York.
Established in January 2000, and founded by Bircan Unver
on July 17, 2001
A Public Interest Multi-Media Global Platform.
@ The Light Millennium e-magazine
created and designed by
Bircan ÜNVER
since August 1999.
12th Issue, Summer 2003; August 2003, New York.
URL: http://lightmillennium.org
This site is copyright © 1999-2000-2001-2002-2003 and trademarks ™ of their respective owners & The Light Millennium.org.
The contents of this site may not be reproduce in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators.
All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved.