Highlights & News
United Nations & Department of Public Information of the UN -
Non-Governmental Organizations
Updated on December 8, 2014
An Envisoned Draft Proposal: United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations General Assembly - UNNGOGA.ORG
WHAT IS MY ACTION PLAN? Have you asked this question to yourself?
The Light Millennium invites you to present your ideas, work, action plan, and visions for the Sustainable HUMAN Development Goals in order to make them visible and available in globally as well as seeking your collaboration and partnerships for it!
On a quarterly base, first stage deadline is: January 15, 2015 -
Convened by H.E. Mr. John W. Ashe, President of the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly - In cooperation with The Global Movement of the Culture of Peace (GMCoP) - Tuesday, 9 September 2014 from 10:00 am to 6 pm
Trusteeship Council Chamber and ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York
REPORT - Part 1/2: “Peace is more than the end of armed conflict.
Peace is a mode of behavior.”
REPORT - Part 2/2: Panel Discussions
“The role of contributions of women and youth to the culture of peace"
Report by Hande SUBASILAR, Representative to the United Nations of The Light Millennium.
You are INVITED to attend the
UN High Level Forum on The Culture of Peace
Tuesday, 9 September 2014, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Trusteeship Council Chamber, UN Headquarters, NY
which is convened by
.E. Mr. John W. Ashe
President of the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly |
Immediate Media Release - Dated: August 20, 2013
- The Second United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace will be convened by H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić, President of the UN-GA on Friday, 6 September 2013.
REGISTER HERE - Registration is a MUST
Deadline: September 3, 2013
Please click on for the INVITATION
UNNGO Briefings
“Putting health first: What can NGOs do to raise awareness of the threat of psychoactive substances?”
“Putting health first: What can NGOs do to raise awareness of the threat of psychoactive substances?” The discussion was held on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at the Conference Room 3, North Lawn Building, United Nations Headquarters, New York.
Highlights from:
- Determined to Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War
Security Council must work more transparently and more actively
United Nations Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations presented a discussion on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at ECOSOC Chamber, Conference Building, 3rd Floor, United Nations Headquarters, New York.
UNNGO Briefings - Highlights
Advancing Social Integration and Intergenerational Solidarity
"It is important to create effective global partnerships between developed and developing countries and NGOS"
Highlights by: Hande SUBASILAR
Afterwards: Comment and Questions on the:
“Advancing Social Integration and Intergenerational Solidarity” in observance of the International Day of Families.
The discussion was held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at Conference Room 1, North Lawn Building, United Nations Headquarters, New York. |
UNNGO Briefings: The Impact Of Education In Achieving Mdgs 2 & 5: “Achieving the MDGs: MDG 2 (Education) + MDG 3 (Gender equality) + MDG 5 (Maternal health) = 8.”
- 3.2 million newborns die every year and 99% of these deaths occur primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
by Idil BAYSAL
Dated: May 12, 2011 |
UNNGO Briefings: Information and the Internet: Exploring the Role of Freedom of Information in the World Wide Web
- "The free exchange of ideas and thought can connect countries in a common course."
by Idil BAYSAL
Dated: May 4, 2011 |
UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries in İstanbul, Turkey
- The week long Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), the 4th in 40 years, began at the Lutfi Kırdar, İstanbul, the Military and the Hilton Conference and Exhibition Centers combined... The 4th since 1971
by Yüksel OKTAY |
“Challenges and Opportunities for Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases: The Key to Achieving the MDGs”
- "Eighteen of the thirty-six million deaths related to NCDs last year, were in fact preventable."
Highlights by: Idil BAYSAL
Dated: April 21, 2011 |
Two Nowruz Celebrations at the UN:
- “Nowruz and the Earth: Harmony between Culture and Nature
- On the Celebration of the International Day of Nowruz
Annually 300 million people around the world celebrate the Nowruz.
by Hümeyra KOÇAK & Bircan ÜNVER
Dated: March 21 & 24, 2011 |
UN WOMEN - Launched.
- "Complex challenges like conflicts, global warming, migration, and financial crisis will only be solved through partnership where men and women both have a voice."
Dated: Subat 24, 2011 |
Presently, 80% of the global population does not enjoy a set of social guarantees
that allow them to deal with life's risks.
- "Social protection policy is the most powerful tool to combat poverty."
Report by Haldun ARMAGAN
Dated: February 17, 2011 |
Presented by UNESCO at the United Nations, New York on March 11, 2011
"Building Peace: Reconciliation through the Power of Education, the Sciences, Culture and Communication"
"What does reconciliation mean today?"
by Hümeyra KOÇAK
Microfinance: Ending Poverty One Loan at a Time
"Last 30 years, microfinance has offered various tools to the world’s poor to assist them with financial situations."
Dated: Thursday, 10 February 2011
"Understanding and Managing Cyber Crime: The Virtual Criminal"
- Cyberspace, as the fifth global common space – after land, sea, air and outer space..
Dated: Thursday, 3 February 2011
"After Cancun: Where Do We Stand on Climate Change? (A Follow-Up to Cancun Conference)"
"Cancun had been a step forward for the multilateral process.
Was it step forward for the planet?"
Dated: 20 January 2011
by Cevat CIVAN |
- Disaster Relief and Preparedness: Haiti: A Year Later
Dated: January 13, 2011
by Cevat CIVAN |
“Speak Up, Stop Discrimination:
Exploring Human Rights in the Relationship between the Muslim World and the West”
(Screening - In Observance of Human Rights Day – 10 December)
Briefing Date: December 9, 2010
by Sirin CENGIZALP |
- Modern Slavery: Women Domestic Workers
Issue of the Moment: “Crossing Boundaries: Protecting the Rights of Migrant Women Domestic Workers”
In Observance of International Migrants Day – 18 December)
Briefing Date: December 2, 2010
by Sirin CENGIZALP |
"Unite to End Violence Against Women:
Leadership of the Corporate Sector in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls"
On: "Attracting Media: What Makes NGO Stories News"
2012 - Annual Review - Submitted on December 23, 2012
Quadrennial Report of The Light Millennium - Dated: June 30, 2009
Letter to Jeffery Huffines, Chair, NGO DPI Executive Committee - Dated: Date: May 26, 2009, New York
The Light Millennium is YOUR MILLENNIUM...
-Join The Light Millennium with $1 as an On-Line member and partner through NYCharities.Org.
Lightmillennium.Org, 2014..
to the Global Peace Movement, YES to Loving & Caring
Each Other, YES to Greatness in Humanity, YES to Saving Our
Unique Mother Earth, YES to Great Dreams For Better Tomorrows, YES to Emerging
Positive Global Energy, YES to National and Global Transparency,
and YES to Lighting Our Souls & Minds.
We have only one WORLD yet! If we
destroy it, where else will we go?
NO to
New Nuclear Weapons - NO to
Star Wars - NO
to New Nuclear Targets...NO to Weapons In Space -
NO to
New Pretexts For Nuclear War - NO to Nuclear Testing - NO to
All Types Of Weapons & War & War Culture... |
This e-platform is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, which is A Charitable, Under 501 (c) (3) Status, Not-For-Profit organization based in New York. Introduced in August 1999 on the Web; Established in January 2000; and Founded by Bircan Ünver on July 17, 2001, and associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations effective on December 12, 2005.
This site is copyright© 1999-2014 trademarks ™ of their respective owners & Lightmillennium.Org. The contents of this site may not be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed or written permission of creators. All material contained here in is protected under all applicable international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Created, developed and designed by Bircan Ünver
©1999-2014,The Light Millennium - Lightmillennium.Org. 2014, New York. |