Possibility of Immortality..."
An interview about FM-2030 with Flora SCHNALL: p.II "He'd like
us to mobilize our collective intelligence to format new modular durable
brains that will enable us to trans-live across all space and all times." In this part of
the interview; Flora SCHNALL talks to us about some of the trends anticipated
by FM-2030 such as his philsophy, the "Up-Wingers" organization,
his cryonic-suspension, and his books, as well as her involvement with
FM-2030. Here is what FM sees over the next 10 to 20 years: * "George Jetson"
- style computer guided individual air cars; Cloning is particularly interesting
to me, what did he think about it? Since they are now able to clone
sheep and other animals, that they ultimately will be able to clone
humans. And probably be able to tinker with them and design a child
with blue eyes, brown hair, long limbs just about anything else you
want. However, FM looked beyond just cloning human, which he thought
to be too fragile, too susceptible to disease and accidents. He envisioned
the human brain with its intelligience, memories, emotions in a "total
body-prostheses." How did his hypothesis about
merging humanity with technology develop? He was asked about psychedelics
and transcending time and space and he said that biochemical tools that
help us tamper with our chemical brains are at best amusing. "I
look forward," he says, "to something infinitely more radical,
the transformation of our brains into something more manageable and
versatile." He wrote
about this in his book, "Up-Wingers" in the 70s. "At
this stage, we know very little about our semi-intelligent brain but
we want to relocate into other kinds of brains.
A leap that I would like to see. Everything else is child's play. I have very little to say about this monkey
brain of mine. I can't
manage it, people like to delude themselves that they have free will,
but we are manipulated by biochemical and genetic forces. Nothing short
of a massive relocation of our minds will do." He'd like us to mobilize our collective
intelligence to format new modular durable brains that will enable us
to trans-live across all space and time."
FM asks the question: Are you a biological fundamentalist? He says: "In the 1950's the idea of synthetic replacement parts for the body was considered at once a bit far fetched and repulsive. People believed that such interventions
would turn us into robots. Today,
tens of millions of people all over the world are alive because we are
able to replace non-functioning body parts with effective substitutes. If we want to extend each life far in
the future, we need to make more radical changes. We can't live for 100's of years with these fragile, limited
bodies. Those who want to live forever should
be prepared to except profound transformations in all areas of life."
What is the concept of the
"Up-Wingers" organization? The Up-Wingers manifesto developed
by FM is on his web site, www.FM2030.com. The Up-Winger philosophy is
a "new philosophical threat" -beyond Right and Left- beyond
conservative and liberal and conventional radicalism. Beyond existentialism.
"Up" is committed to the next stage in evalution and in history."
The Up-Wingers philosophy is: optimism, abundance, universalism, immortality. Some of the ideas it is devoted
to are as follows: space colonization, new forms of relationships, new
forms of government, and vegetarianism. Up-Wingers sponsored a vegetarian
festival in Long Island with about 300 guests. We had wonderful speakers
from the Human Society of America, PETA and other animal rights organizations.
We had an excellent and delicious vegetarian feast. We also had animals
so people could see that when they eat chicken, they're killing this
nice hen. When they have a lamb chop, they are killing a lamb. We had
animals there so that the guests could see exactly what it was they
were eating. And the reason for FM's & Up-Wingers vegetarianism
is -Humanitarianism. He was a vegetarian because he was against killing. FM had been a vegetarian since
he was a young boy. His family had a pet lamb, which he and his sisters
watched as it was slaughtered. They never ate meat again. His grandfather
tried to pressure him to eat, but he never did again. In fact, he never
killed an insect, he'd just throw it out. When was "Up-Wingers" founded? Who is in charge of it today? Up-Wingers is a non-profit tax
exempt charitable organization established in the 70's by FM, a group
of intellectuals and futurists. Today many of the founders and Up-Wingers
are still involved in its activities. It's latest project involves a
web site in honor of FM2030. What was the starting point? As a futuristic outlook or just opposing what was happening
in the world at that time? No, I would say that the starting point was to change the world. Something easy like that. So we sponsored seminars, festivals, and 'discussion groups' to promote change. Things that we believe in and things that would make the world a better place. Scientific research investigates the conquest of disease, promoting the monitoring of 'illnesses' by developing "body" suits to monitor & protect humans. We spent considerable effort trying to develop the "body suit" --it would keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It would monitor any irregular heartbeat. It would be something not cumbersome to wear. Something similar to what astronauts wear, of course more manageable. A protective garment that would make life simpler. Definitely, his first non-fiction
book was called,"Optimism One" and it was based on his optimistic
approach to life, to humanity and to mankind's future. I always saw
him optimistic even in the face of adversity. Then, how did he evaluate
the World's ongoing events like war, crime and etc.? How long before did FM decide
for his cryonic-suspension from the actual fact? He signed with ALCOR over 20
years ago. FM decided to be suspended rather than die. He did it when
he went to California. FM
was always very supportive of cryonic suspension. Up-Wingers sponsored
a number of discussions about cryonic suspension. ALCOR representatives
attended several meetings to talk about suspension. Did he know that he had cancer
when he signed up for his cryonic-suspension at that time? No, there was no connection. FM was a very healthy person. He never smoked, and never drank. He was an athlete, and a lifelong vegetarian. I think he expected to live until the year 2030. His father lived well into his 90's. So, it was quite a shock when he became ill. I assume that, you have a
very similar idea with FM-2030, because your e-mail screen name ends
with four digits as 2050. Perhaps, you planned to live until 2050? The year 2050, yes,
but perhaps longer. FM was 2030, then I became 2050. You can have a
new name as well. Everybody can pick the name. What name would you like? When did you first meet him?
Which one was it? "Identity Card" and
he had a different first name as well as a different last name. His
first name was not one that I had heard of before so I asked him: "So,
how do you spell your name?" He took out his card and handed it
to me. Now this is in the 60's when girls did not call boys, and I looked
at his card and saw a telephone number on the back of the card. I said
"What's this?" and he said "Well in case you want to
call me or anything." I was quite astonished. Later he had a
different interpretation of the event. He said I had come to the party
with another man and he was trying to be diplomatic and discreet. This
was his version. So of course I did not call him because as I said,
girls did not call boys in the 60's. Nice girls didn't call boys. But,
we did have a lot of mutual friends so we did meet again until later
on when we became very close friends and our lives together were interlocked
even though we lived in different cities,and did not have an exclusive
relationship. Neither of us married or had children. We were like Jean Paul Sartre and Simone
de Beauvoir. Although,
I have yet to write my first book.
We did have a very close, intimate relationship, sharing ideas
and goals. He was one of the kindest men I've ever met and people all
around the world constantly sought him out for advice and
guidance. He was a very wise person, and while he did not train as a
psychiatrist, he was, I would tell you as good as it gets. He was compassionate,
he helped young people, he helped people change their lives. While he didn't believe in marriage, he helped to save marriages.
It was hard to keep up with him. He was constantly changing, constantly
moving. And I am by nature slightly conservative, so maybe it was a
good combination. What sort of ideas struck
you as first? Well, I liked his ideas. I thought
they were very exciting. When I read his novel, I sat down and read
it through. I couldn't put it down. It was just gripping. I was really
surprised when he decided he would write non-fiction, but he felt he
didn't want to dramatize his ideas; he wanted to write about them. And
I'd help with research and it was exciting the way he developed his
ideas. I don't know how he developed them, but he did a lot of research
himself, reading scientific journals and newspapers and magazines and
he was one of those uncanny people who could put their finger on trends,
see how things were changing, anticipate them and hopefully, at times,
guide them to where he thought they should be. I read a report which emphasizes
that most scientists, intellectuals and especially his students who
had taken his courses and seminars, kept in touch with him... He was a mentor to hundreds of
people. Many of his former students have established themselves in the
field of future planning and they have been very successful at it. FM
gave many lectures and seminars to governments and industry. Last February,
in Tallahassee he delivered an all day seminar to the Florida Department
of Justice. District attorneys & police chiefs from around the of Florida
attended. And he was invited
by banks, by architects, by economists and by all kinds of organizations
to consult with them and deliver lectures. It was important for these
organizations to determine what lay ahead in their planning for the
future of their businesses. This may be a little difficult
to talk with you but I would like to know more about his cryonic-suspension
process. In general, are there any special regulations to apply to be
frozen? Well, I am not a scientist, but
basically blood is replaced with a fluid and the body is cooled. If
you go to ALCOR's web site, WWW.ALCOR.ORG, there is great deal of information
about cryonics and pictures of the containers in which people are being
suspended. I don't think they're calling it frozen, they call it suspended.
There is a film, "Immortality on Ice" that was shown on Channel
7 it shows the process. What is its policy and process?
How does this process work officially? Who can be eligible? Anyone is eligible to be suspended.
One signs a contract with ALCOR or another cryonic organizations where
payments are made through life insurance. FM wore an ALCOR bracelet.
If something happend to him, the braclet had a telephone number to call.
So if something happens there is a phone number to call because
its very important to have the body cooled in time and to get it to
the ALCOR facilities quickly. They've developed a standby team so if
you know you're terminally ill, this team of doctors and scientists
can stand by to make all necessary arrangements. Are there any obstacles in
terms of law? There are no obstacles that I
know of but there aren't enough doctors familiar with the process to
be helpful. If there is a hiatus between death and delivering the body
to ALCOR's facilities. Getting medical cooperation in the future to
preserve the body until the suspension process is underway, there will
be a big improvement. So, yes there is a lot that could be done in the
future to improve the process and educating more people about cyronic
suspension. And also, there is the process of education. I also read from one of the
reports he was revising 'Countdown the Immortality' right before his
cryonic-suspension. Was this one his last book that he was
working on? FM was also finishing other books,
"Healing of the 20th Century, The Coming Age of Abundance".
All of FM's books will be republished by an e-publisher along with the
unpublished books. Publication date is sometime next year. As last, where can we find
his books? Well, I am going to republish
his books. That's one of "Up-Wingers" projects to raise the
money to maintain his web site and sign a contract to publish his books
with an e-publisher. His books should be available in several months.
For now, they can be bought on-line from any out of the print book web
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